Our Third Issue will feature content including:
- Exclusive Interview with Dr. Jen Golbeck, computer scientist, Associate Professor at the University of Maryland, and dog mom of The Golden Ratio
- Stories on historical figures like Hedy Lamarr and Rosalind Franklin
- Fashion article on Xena Workwear, fashionable steel-toe shoes for women!
- Advice Column Run by Gloria Kimbwala
- Everyday Changemakers series featuring interviews with Grechen Huebner, Co-Founder of Kodable, Bridget Frey, CTO of Redfin and more!
- Interview with Lucasfilms about the science behind making Star Wars movies!
- And so much more!
And don't forget that for every magazine bought, up to one copy is donated to girls in low-income or rural areas!
We are now able to take international orders! Please note that the cost of shipping is greater for international orders.
**Please note that due to COVID-19 you may experience some shipping delays.**
Third Issue: Print Magazine