Let’s chat about our latest issue of Reinvented Magazine. It’s a bit different than our usual content, but I think this is one of our most important issues yet. With a little help from the U.S. Department of Education, we worked to create a special issue celebrating the 50th anniversary of the passage of the Title IX legislation! Before I get into some of the logistics, let’s talk about the issue details.
About the Issue
For those of you who are unfamiliar with what Title IX is, let me add a little background for you. Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in any education program or activity receiving federal financial aid. This includes protection against sexual harassment, failure of schools to provide equal athletic opportunities, and, of course, sex-based discrimination in schools’ STEM programs. I’m sure many of you have been impacted by this legislation, even if you weren’t previously aware of it.
In this issue you’ll hear from Department of Education leaders such as Secretary Miguel Cardona and Assistant Secretary Catherine Lhamon. You’ll also learn more about the intersections of athletics and STEM and hear from women who work in or have experiences with both of those fields. As you know, Reinvented constantly aims to show you that women in STEM are more than just that, and I truly believe that this issue illuminates unconventional STEM careers and multifaceted women while sharing their story as a whole rather than focusing only on where their jobs come into play.
The Logistics
Since this is a special issue, we want to make it as widely available as possible. Therefore, we chose to keep this issue exclusively in a digital space and offer it to everyone free of charge! Yep, that means please share away with anyone you know who might be interested in getting a taste of the content in Reinvented Magazine!
If you have a subscription with us, your subscription will be extended by one issue. For example, if your last issue was supposed to be the Fall 2022 issue, it will now be the Winter 2022 issue! If you have any questions about your subscription, don’t hesitate to email us at info@reinventedmagazine.com.
We truly hope that you enjoy reading this special Title IX themed issue of Reinvented Magazine!